When Auroras Copywriting Agency started out back in 2010, our aim was simple: to create concise, simple and effective writing for businesses of all different sizes in any industry. From the very beginning, this included everything from accountants and engineers to lawyers and artists, from the smallest of start-ups to the biggest of blue-chip corporations. Back then, Auroras was still a one-man operation. Now we’re a thriving content agency with a crack team of highly experienced copywriters and a raft of happy clients.
Our clients understand that the copy they publish on their website or on promotional material – or in the case of marketing agencies, on the sites and in the literature of their clients – speaks volumes about who they are as a company. Your website copy is most probably the first impression new clients have of your company. Not only does it tell them who you are and what you do, it also tells them a great deal about how you view yourself. If your copy is poorly constructed, poorly presented and perhaps worst of all, dull, visitors to your site can only assume that the same can be said of your business as a whole, and more than likely they will click away to a company that cares more about quality. And who can blame them?
What Are the Benefits of Choosing the Right Agency?
You will already have heard the expression ‘Content is king’ so many times that you’re probably utterly sick of it. This is too bad because you’re about to hear it again. Why? Because content is king. Go to any website on the internet and once your brain has made an unconscious decision about whether or not you like the overall design of the site, the first conscious decision you’ll make concerns the impact of the words that you read. If the words are sub-standard, you’ll walk. So it’s crucial you get the copy right.
The clearest benefits of working with a highly polished UK copywriting agency like Auroras are:
* an increase in potential clients: Auroras’ talent for website copy in general and SEO copywriting in particular will have search engines queueing up to send hordes of potential customers your way – these are people who want exactly what you’re offering, and are crying out to convert their desire into sales.
* professional, engaging, snappy copy: once they’ve arrived at your site, you want them to stay – great copy engages and turns the casual browser into a loyal client.
* one point of contact for all your copy requirements: this is particularly important for marketing agencies who need to provide copy for many different clients – imagine how simple life will be when you have one point of contact for every piece of work you need to create. That’s how simple it can be.
* superfast turnaround: when you have a reliable copywriting agency as part of your team, you can rely on having your projects finished quickly and effectively rather than waiting around for the client to deliver.
Whatever business you’re in, Auroras can make your life so much easier, making sure you get the best possible copy, exactly when you need it.
Give us a call today and let’s have a chat about how we can best serve you and your business.